BPM: 0
Tap-Count: 0
After 2 seconds
How to use the BPM counter online? (Manual-guide)
To use the Beats Per Minute (BPM) counter of our website then we have to provide every option that is needed in a BPM counter tool like BPM counts, Clicking sound, Tap Counts, etc.
Every user can access it easily and it starts BPM counting with just a single input command from you. However, we have to try to make this tool better and perfect for every visitor.
We can easily enable and disable the clicking sound of the “Tap to Count BPM” Button through the toggle round slider.
If the BPM counter doesn’t get any response for 2 seconds then the BPM count and Tap counts will automatically reset to 0 while you can also reset the counter by clicking on the “Reset (ESC)” button or using the ESC key of your keyboard.

What is the BPM Counter?
The Beats Per Minute counter is a tool that counts the tempo of the incoming audio in beats per minute. It is mostly used by DJs, producers, and music artists to analyze the tempo of audio tracks.
This tool is easy to access on your mobile, desktop, and other digital devices through its software or web tool. The Beats Per Minute counter tool is also helpful in counting Human heartbeats.
This tool is also similar to the Tap Tempo counter tool where the tempo tool counts the beats per minute of the audio track by just taping on the spacebar or any key of the keyboard except the (ESC) key.
In classical music, here are the different BPMs correspond to these musical terms:
1. Larghissimo – (24 bpm and less): Larghissimo has extremely slow bpm and has less than 24 bpm.
2. Adagissimo – (24-40 bpm): Adagissimo music has a very slow bpm and its bpm rate is 20-40 bpm.
3. Grave – very slow (25–45 bpm): Grave music also has the same bpm as Adagissimo and its bpm rate is 25-45 bpm.
4. Largo – (40–60 bpm): Largo music has a slow and broad bpm and its bpm rate is 40-60 bpm.
5. Lento – (45–60 bpm): The Lento genre has a slow bpm but not broad like largo music and its bpm rate is 45-60 bpm.
6. Larghetto – (60–66 bpm): Larghetto music has a rather slow and broad bpm and its bpm rate is 60-66 bpm.
7. Adagio – (66–76 bpm): The Adagio music has a slow bpm but with great expressions and its Bpm rate is 66-76.
8. Adagietto – (70–80 bpm): Adagietto has a slower bpm than andante music but slightly faster bpm than adagio music and its Bpm rate is 70-80.
9. Andante – (76–108 bpm): Andante music has a walking pace style bpm and its actual bpm rate is 76-108.
10. Andantino – (80–108 bpm): Andantino music has a slightly faster bpm than Andante music and its actual bpm rate is 80-108.
11. Marcia moderato – (83–85 bpm): The Marica moderato has a slower bpm than the moderato genre and its actual bpm rate is 83-85.
12. Moderato – (108–120 bpm): Moderato has a moderate speed of bpm and its actual bpm rate is 108-120.
13. Andante Moderato – (92–112 bpm): The Andante Moderato genre exists between the andante and moderato music bpm and its actual bpm rate is 92-112.
14. Allegretto – (112–120 bpm): Allegretto music term has a moderately fast bpm of the mid 19 century and its exact bpm rate is 112-120.
15. Allegro moderato – (116–120 bpm): Allegro moderato is close to allegro but not quite bpm and its exact bpm rate is 116-120.
16. Allegro – (120–156 bpm): Allegro music term has a fast, quick, and bright bpm term and its exact bpm rate is 120-156.
17. Vivace – (156–176 bpm): Vivace term has lively and fast bpm rates and its exact bpm rate is 156-176.
18. Vivacissimo – (172–176 bpm): Vivacissimo has a very fast and lively bpm rate and its exact bpm rate is 172-176.
19. Allegrissimo or Allegro vivace – (172–176 bpm): Allegrissimo term, also well known as Allegro vivace term has a very fast bpm rate and its actual bpm rate is 172-176. it’s very similar to the Vivacissimo term.
20. Presto – (168–200 bpm): Presto term has extremely fast bpm and its exact bpm rate is 168-200.
21. Prestissimo – (200 bpm and over): Prestissimo term has the even faster than presto bpm and its bpm rate is 200+.
On the other hand, these classical music terms may not be important to know, depending on what kind of music style you’re using, it’s worth thinking about the types of moods that can generate the different BPMs. Therefore, some genres are related to specific BPMs.
Bpm rates by their Genre
The music style is explained not only by the audio and rhythm but also by the beats. You probably have some idea about the genre of music when you listen to it, based on your experiences as a music listener. Here are standard BPM ranges for several music styles:
- Dub: 60-90 bpm
- Hip-hop: 60-100 bpm
- House: 115-130 bpm
- Techno/trance: 120-140 bpm
- Dubstep: 135-145 bpm
- Drum and bass: 160-180 bpm
Of course, a Hip-hop song does not always have to be between 60 and 100 BPM. These are just showing values. Let me know what you are using the BPM counter for, in the comments below!
FAQ – BPM Counter
Q1. What is 1 BPM?
A: A BPM means the beats per minute which is measured in the tempo of incoming audio. A tempo of 60 BPM is equal to one beat per second.
Q2. Is 120 a fast BPM?
A: Yes, according to the classical music term, Allegretto, Allegro moderato, Moderato, and Allegro that lies in the 120 Bpm and are also known to be a fast BPM music term.
Q3. What pace is 170 BPM?
A: The 170 BPM pace is an eight-minute mile.
Q4. What does BPM stand for?
A: BPM stands for Beats Per Minute.
Q5. Can you see BPM on Spotify?
A: Yes, you can see and access the BPM tempo of the song on the Spotify Platform.
Q6. How much BPM is normal music?
A: The normal music BPM range is 90 – 120 (Chill mood).
I hope the BPM (Beats Per Minute) tool, helps you to count the per minute of beats and how many clicks you do in a minute.